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Watame made her debut back on December 29th, 2019. She was the third of her generation to do so.
Unfortunately her debut video has been privated.
However, Watame does have a 10-minute clip of her debut, so please enjoy it!






On November 28th 2020 Watame participated in VARK Cinderella Switch alongside her close senpai Shiranui Flare. The concert was a big step for Watame, being her first ticketed event! The concert premiered in both standard streaming and in VR for a great stage experience. Each person had a 5 song block and Watame sang DoReMiFa Rondo, Sheep~Song of teenage love soldier~, Rising Hope, Fansa, and ending with Connect to bridge with Flare's opening song Luminous.

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  On December 21st and 22nd, Hololive held its second live event "Hololive 2nd Fes. Beyond the Stage". Watame and the rest of Hololive’s 4th generation of talents performed on both days as the opening act to the rest of the members. 


  On the first day, Watame sang with her genmates the song "Senbonzakura" as the opener and also did her solo-act by singing her original song "Ai-mai Chocolate". On the second day she sang "Roki" as a group with the rest of the 4th generation.


  It was also during this live event that an updated version of her original song "Can you say Hololive?" was first shown both days as an intermission; showing each day’s performers greetings, and later released on Youtube as a whole. This new version now showed every active member of Hololive performing their respective parts themselves, fulfilling one of Watame’s wishes to sing this song together with everyone.

1st Anniversary Live Fever! & Second Original Song

On December 29th, 2020, Watame debuted her third original song Cloudy Sheep during her "1st Anniversary Live Fever!" A Watame Night Fever special where she celebrated her first year in Hololive. This song was first teased during April Fool’s Day and was finally released on this event, while also now featuring a member of Hololive’s English branch, Calliope Mori. 


As part of her 1st Anniversary celebration she also announced the sale of goods that included her very own first album, consisting of 9 tracks that included her three original songs as well as the mini-songs she created during the year.


In another new first for Watame, on April 4th 2021 she appeared in day 2 of V-Carnival - an augmented reality (AR) concert with Vtubers from across the industry. With the concerts high production, Hololive's sheep had never looked better as she lit up the stage with a solo performance of Melancholic and her original Ai-mai Chocolate with cute effects to match her fluffiness, and a group rendition with everyone of Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari to close off the concert.























Watame Birthday

This year Watame had a busy line up of recording after recording as her birthday came closer. Despite this, Watame took on extra preparation to have guests for her birthday so the Watamates had help celebrating the sheep as she was joined by Fubuki, Flare, Haachama and Botan during a 3D live event. Everyone shone brightly and Watame showed off here in her vocal growth with a strong performance in the live, a cover of Kaibutsu, but not content to let it stop there, Hololive's hitsuji also announced that more would be coming soon in the form of another cover and original song!


  What was once a far-off dream for many who joined the ranks of Hololive, Watame reached the lofty milestone of one million subscribers on July 17th 2021 during a singing endurance stream. A sheep that once struggled with nervousness about her own performance in front of small groups stood strongly and sang her heart out to tens of thousands of viewers both old and new alike. As always Watame went with a mix of crowd favorites and new songs, never afraid to try something new and raising the songs she has done here at Hololive to well over four hundred different titles. Watame reached her subscriber goal much quicker than anticipated, but this sheep wasn't content until singing the original song left behind by her friend and morning program partner Coco - Weather Hackers - as an emotional capstone to a goal she never expected to see. 

  Watame reached an impressive goal with one million subscribers and she had become stronger over the past year and a half at Hololive through the support of those around her and her unceasingly hard work. Through the good and the bad, the tears and the smiles this family of sheep would push forward - Watame's stage is forever a place of dreams to follow and new sights to see!


  As 2021 progressed it became clear something big was underway for Watame. Starting on July 1st Watame revealed the full version of her new original song Melody For You and started swiftly moving forward through additional releases - Sweetnight, Sweettime on July 9th, Ode to an Eternal Future on July 26th, Good Morning Song on August 11th. Soon August 19th arrived and accompanying her new single mayday, mayday, Watame revealed the reason for her accelerated schedule... her first solo live event: Tsunomaki Watame 1st Live Watame Night Fever!! in Zepp Tokyo! supported by Bushiroad on October 12th. With support from fans, Hololive members and staff Watame continued to forge ahead with the same determination she had shown since joining Hololive. Showing no signs of slowing down Watame continued with a rapid release of originals to lead up to her concert: September 2nd - Zero no Ashiato, September 9th - Everlasting Soul, September 16th - Holidays!, and September 25th - RAINBOW and before this family of sheep knew it the awaited day arrived.

 What was teased an April Fool's joke crystalized into more than just a dream as fans gathered to see Hololive's sheep at Zepp Tokyo and on digital distribution. With Watame's efforts through the year, she was able to greet her fans with a set list made of her original music to carry out a solo live that was truly hers. With a powerful performance and surprises ranging from special concert arrangements for Watame Rap and Cloudy Sheep, to a key visual outfit reveal, and a 12th original - "My Song" - Watame took the venue by storm.

  This sheep executed a radiant performance infused with her signature energy and charm, showing everyone she had grown and truly belonged on on the stage. While Watame's first live concluded she wasn't done quite yet. With a bluray for her solo live in the works, new recordings happening each month, voice training, dance lessons, and hope for another solo live as she continued her way toward the Budokan it was clear Watame still had a lot to do. In the end, dreams are free and for as long as the Watamates were there beside her they could, and would, continue that adventure together.

© 2021-2024 by WatameKojou. 

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